Hey, Jammers! Welcome to The Animal Jam Voice, by XxTurtlesMooxX. This blog will have many things from glitches, cheats, codes, updates, contests and much, much more! Keep stopping by AJV to see what's new! Remember to comment often and keep everything positive. Thanks! ;) ~XxTurtlesMooxX


I need some Authors!

Hiya, Jammers!

I can't post that often anymore so I'm thinking of having different authors. You must have a blog of your own that is somewhat decent. If you're interested, comment  your E-mail, your username on Animal Jam, and your blog. Once you comment the info, I'll delete it right away so nobody else is sure to see. Oh yea and also, you have to have a signature. I'm not so good at making them, and they don't have to be too flashy, but if you could make your own that would be nice lol. (Sorry, like I said, I'm not so good at that stuff.) 

What I DON'T want my posts looking like:

omg people!!!!!!! u should see aj there r tons of new stufffff!!!! liek pet things and evrything!!

The correct way is,

Wow! You should go on Animal Jam, there are tons of new things! Like, for example, pet items and much, much more! 
(Add a screen shot)

PS~I will choose 3 authors. I will be checking every one of the blogs that are in the comments and choosing 3 that I like. Thanks!


  1. I'll be happy to help you Laurel, you know my e-mail and i'll make a signature. I will make your posts with the correct punctuations and all.

    1. You are hired for the job!

      ~Laurel019 (not signed in)

  2. I wanna help too! You know my email i will probably ask someone to help me with a signitare.
