Hey, Jammers! Welcome to The Animal Jam Voice, by XxTurtlesMooxX. This blog will have many things from glitches, cheats, codes, updates, contests and much, much more! Keep stopping by AJV to see what's new! Remember to comment often and keep everything positive. Thanks! ;) ~XxTurtlesMooxX


Appondale Glitch

           Hiya Jammers!
 Today I was doing the Appondale Glitch and I'm inside the Museum...well not quite in it but on top of it but STILL in it. I don't know if that made since but...anyways! I forgot how to do the glitch now, and it was just today -.-         



  1. Well, it doesn't tell us HOW to get up there. If you can, i was looking for Appondale Skyway Glitch. If u know where i can find it, plz tell me.

  2. i can do all skyways and my user is skyways lol but the appondale glitch expired: all of the appondale glitches did
